Be All You Can Be
Offers a full set of training materials designed to help schools, colleges and other providers work with young people aged 14-24 to encourage them to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
The Impact of Be All You Can Be
To encourage a growth mindset in young people we have created a full set of resources that culminate in the ‘Be All You Can Be Award’.
The Award adds value and support to educational policy including Developing the Young Workforce Strategy, Building the Curriculum 4 and HGIOS (4th Edition) by helping young people develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
In particular, it supports the delivery of young people’s entitlements set out in the Career Education Standard (3-18) and the Work Placements Standard.
It also supports the aims of school/employer partnerships to enrich learning and the development of employability skills. Other areas where our resources meet areas of national focus include the SCOTLAND CAN DO Framework, The Scottish Attainment Challenge and the Excellence and Equity in Education agenda.
Be All You Can Be significantly contributes to embedding meta-skills.
These timeless, higher order skills help young people become creative, adaptive learners and promote success in whatever context the future brings. These are the skills that help young people cope with uncertainty and an ever changing-world.
Why Educators might want to use these resources?
Wide Range of Content Material
Each Unit has 12 workshops and includes a wide variety of interactive learning materials, PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, projects and engaging activities to ensure all learners are well placed to reach their full potential.
Structured Syllabus
There are three Units to support Be All You Can Be. These units offer a flexible curriculum and can be delivered individually as ‘stand alone’ learning chunks or as a full package forming an award. The three Units are: Developing Entrepreneurial Skills, Starting a Business, The Change Challenge.
Learner Activity Workbooks
Each learner is provided with a comprehensive workbook for each Unit helping them to reflect on the materials and to also work with others in a group/team setting.
Curriculum Tools
Each of the Units has a descriptor suggesting how best to deliver the unit. There are also a full set of assessments for each unit. They can, however, be delivered without assessment depending on the group.
Facilitator Resource Packs
Facilitators are supported through all units with a Facilitator Resource pack for each unit that includes lesson plans, solutions and suggested delivery methods. In addition, there are PowerPoint presentations for Unit 1 & 2. Unit 3 is project based experiential learning and many helpful resources are provided including a Team Portfolio to help learners demonstrate their achievements.
Meta Skills
BAYCB supports young people develop timeless, higher order skills that help them to become creative, adaptive learners and promotes success in whatever context the future brings. These are the skills that help young people cope with an uncertain future and an ever-changing world.
Ability to learn and keep learning throughout their lives
Critical thinking
Collaboration - integration with teams
Communication and presentation
Emotional intelligence
Problem solving